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Eclipse Calculator

Understanding Solar and Lunar Eclipses

Calculating Angular Diameters

The angular diameters of the Sun and Moon are crucial in understanding eclipses. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) has established the radius of the Sun at 696,000 km.

Predicting Eclipses in Specific Locations

Numerous websites and tools, such as "Search for a city's next eclipse", provide information on upcoming solar and lunar eclipses in specific cities. These services can predict total, partial, or annular eclipses for locations like Roanoke Rapids, Durham, Raleigh, Petersburg, and Lynchburg.

Using the Solar Eclipse Explorer

The JavaScript Solar Eclipse Explorer is a valuable tool for astronomers and eclipse enthusiasts. It allows users to calculate the local circumstances of every solar eclipse visible from a given city over a vast timeframe, spanning from -1499 to 3000 with a focus on the year 1500.

Determining Eclipse Visibility

Eclipse calculators like those mentioned above can assist in determining whether a particular location will be within the shadow of the Moon during an eclipse.

Eclipse Explorer's Origin

The Eclipse Explorer is a derivative of the JavaScript Solar Eclipse Calculator, initially created by Chris O'Byrne and Stephen McCann.
